and blah blah blah..I'm working till 10 or so tomorrow night and if I dont pack my bag tonight, I'll be doing it on Thursday night in my sleep.
Dinner reservations are made for Friday and Saturday. I've picked out several interesting ghost tours but committed to none. How do you commit to a ghost, anyway?? Are they not ethereal and what makes us think they'll show up simply because I purchased a ticket??
It's looking like rain for Friday and already it's smacking of our last historical trip to Williamsburg last March. 40 degrees every day and rain rain rain. Actually, the sun was out until we crossed into the virginia state..only to proceed behind a bank of clouds that proved impenetrable...that is, untill we exited the state like elvis leaves a building. Then, naturally the sun came back out.
Gloom is the perfect atmosphere for visiting a battlefield. Gloom, however, is not du rigor when you are attending a wine and music festival. Thank you, for Saturday I'll take some sunshine, please.
Okay, I have to get my hats and parasol in order. Gloves have to be paired and reticules must be taken from the armoire. Catherine Coatney goes to Gettysburg...I do so love a victorian vampyre with just a dash of tart thrown in for good measure.
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