Thursday, February 11, 2010

Too much snow to be putting out fires!

Hey, you thought I forgot you, didn't you??  Not true.  I've spent the past 5 weeks or so simply putting out fires.  My shiny fire truck arrives next week as a reward for my ability to douse flames that try to engulf my life and ignite my accomplishments.
Christmas was wonderful.  Food was fantastic and the company was better.  Those fires I mentioned started burning first week of January.   They begin as little smoldering mounds and then next thing you know, you're battling a full blown conflagration of epic proportions with nothing but an eye dropper of water.  All reminds me of that David Bowie song...putting out fires with gasoline.  We at work all spent a nice quiet winter break, slowly preparing for our reopening at the beginning of the Spring semester (hard to believe there is actually a spring coming, what with 14 inches of snow out there).  Days before our scheduled reopening one key production member notifies they will be out for an extended period of time.  Another staff member notifies me the day before we open that they will be taking classes down the jersey shore, so they are no longer available.  Another position where the staff member actually gave proper and appropriate notification of vacating the job was filled; but then the new member decided the job was too much pressure (seems to be a bit of that going around).  Moved one person into that spot, refilling the newly vacated spot....and the owners of Craig's List have me on speed dial at this point.  Hard to believe that in this tanked economy that people are more willing to stay on or put themselves on unemployment rather than challenge themselves.   Ah, well....and so, the dust finally settled by the end of the month.  The entire house is staffed with some kick ass players and once again, laughter and good cheer abound in our hallowed kitchen.   Loathe as I am to quote a cliche, if it doesn't knock you on your ass and kill you, it brings you together and makes you stronger.  I invented that saying , you know.  Royalties coming in day after day for that diddy.   Work is fine and it's almost Mardi Gras.

Speaking of Mardi Gras, I'd like to pose the question.....'who dat?'    Lou took me to New Orleans for the first time when I was 40.  We've gone back each and every year since then.  Two trips before Katrina and another 5 after, one just 3 months after.  My spirit was born and still lives in that city.  I've taken to sitting and watching FQ cams just to get glimpses.  I watch movies that are filmed there for the same reason.  The Saints winning is icing on the King Cake.  Who Dat? indeed.   Naturally, the chef and I are working on a fitting tribute menu to celebrate Mardi Gras this tuesday.  While I'd much rather be in the Quarter singing "I Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans" I'll settle for making a couple of king cakes and some magnificent etouffe and po boys.   Lassize le bon temps rouller!!   Throw me something, Mister!

It's also almost my birthday...get ready to throw money, too!


  1. Great post Vera! Sorry to hear about all the hectic stuff at work though.

  2. Oh! There you are, I didn't know you were a blogger!!! Nice to see you at last Vera1
