Sunday, June 20, 2010

Where y'at???

Arrived last Sunday little worse for wear!  Managed to get the furniture delivered, the cable/phone/computer connected.  Getting mail in little dribbles.  Three rooms painted, 3 to go!  It's hot, africa hot!  The mosquitos prefer little italian girl from new jersey blood, apparently. 
We finally got the trash hauled away, too!!  Screwed that up on Wednesday morning because apparently they come in wee hours of the morning, like a bunch of garbage fairies. 

We've had house guests for a couple of days, already.  College kids don't really care where they put the pillow as long as it's essentially clean.  My parents are also on their way today, estimated time of arrival shortly after 4pm.  We'll go to a nice little italian restaurant that just up the block.   Perhaps they'll forget the reason they came is to help paint and plant....sunday gravy has that effect on people.

Okay, I'm off to paint the guest bathroom the colour of pickled ginger.

1 comment:

  1. I like the new format, VB! And the post, of course. :)
