Thursday, June 3, 2010

My world and welcome to it!

Initially, I was keeping track of how many boxes I was creating as I continue to crate up my life.  I stopped counting when I got to 16.  I suppose I could take a head count today, but I fear the number could be encroaching upon triple digits.  Not that not knowing will make the move any cheaper, either.  On the contrary, all not knowing does is make it easire to make more boxes. 
I am fairly convinced that there is some stuff I should be discarding instead of moving 1500 miles.  There are some things that you just don't part your kid's report cards.
The normal temperature for this time of year, here in NJ is 76.  However, I'm compelled to pack my life in a combination sauna/steambath/oven.  It's about as hot and humid as it could get and in an effort to keep energy costs down, the air conditioners have not been placed into the windows.  Big mistake, if you ask me.  One has been placed in the bedroom, and that is my oasis of cool now.  Unfortunately, I cannot pack up the kitchen from my bedroom.
 Things on my 'to do' list are actually getting done.  I'm swimming in an ocean of boxes.  Would that the ocean actually felt like cool water, though..........


  1. hate to be a buzzkill, roe, but unpacking is even worse. relax, have a cocktail or seven =). so when's the big moving day?

  2. A week from Sunday!!!!!!!! holyshit!!!
